Security Awareness Training: What It Is and Why You Need It

Jan 17, 2023 | Cybersecurity & Risk Management, Technology

Security Awareness Training and Education (SATE) is essential for businesses to keep up with the dynamic nature of current cybersecurity threats. Experts need to be aware of both external and internal risks to the company’s security. Business owners should take extra precautions to safeguard sensitive data and corporate assets when employees have access to a wide variety of data types. Cyberspace’s debut in the contemporary era has changed corporate procedures, but it has also exposed businesses to new risks, such as phishing and data breaches. Thus, it is crucial for a company’s success to invest in appropriate Security Awareness Training and Education (SATE), also known as Cyber Awareness Training.

Training users in cybersecurity awareness is a tactic that should be utilized by IT and security experts to avoid and reduce the risk posed by users. These initiatives are meant to educate users and staff on how they may aid in the fight against data breaches. Staff members who have received thorough security awareness training are more equipped to practice safe online habits, recognize email and web-based threats, and respond appropriately.

Why Does Your Company Need a SATE Program?

More than 90% of security breaches, according to studies, are caused by human mistakes. Security awareness training lessens the likelihood of a breach, which in turn reduces the potential for sensitive data, intellectual property, financial loss, or damage to a company’s reputation to occur. An efficient SATE program addresses the cybersecurity blunders that workers may make while using email, the internet, and in the real world, such as stalking or improperly disposing of documents.

Security Can Never Be Assured

There is absolutely no way to ensure the security of a company, thus it is imperative that additional efforts be taken to implement human security measures that are both thorough and reliable. Information and data breaches are constantly influenced by the actions of the company’s personnel. Many company owners were taken aback when they learned that unintentional data breaches posed such a significant risk of insider attacks. Employee error is a leading cause of data breaches in Canada and the United States, but it is also a primary means of avoiding financial disasters. Workers are the company’s starting and finishing point. Providing adequate SATE programs to staff is the responsibility of company owners.

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What Are Some Effective Methods for Implementing SATE Programs?

Today’s employees must be actively involved in order for SATE to be effective in lowering user risk. Many security awareness training programs neglect education best practices, offering training in one-off sessions that either overload users with material or, even worse, are easily forgotten by participants. In order for training to be effective, it must be repeated on a consistent basis and given in manageable increments so that it can be incorporated into the hectic schedules of workers. The most significant takeaway is that messages focused on positive encouragement and humour are more effective at improving recall of essential security subjects than those based on fear or that are dull.

Keeping tabs on possible security threats is crucial for the operation of the business and may even be mandated by law. Whether you are dealing with provincial governments, the federal government, the healthcare industry, or any number of financial institutions, you’re likely subject to restrictions that make it imperative that you maintain a high level of cybersecurity. Professionals may prevent future legal concerns and corporate breach problems by investing in the proper cybersecurity training. By keeping up with basic security measures, company owners can protect their investments against a wide range of potential threats.

Why Choose Mariner’s SATE Program?

It is very necessary for business owners to plan application-specific training in addition to the general network of support training for the company in order to have a successful transition from a model of cybersecurity that is less robust to one that is more robust. When it comes to keeping data secure, every company takes a different approach and employs varying numbers of people. Some of the employees need further training than others. To meet your unique requirements in cyber safety, we tailor your training program. We’ll work with you to develop a curriculum that is personalized to your requirements. More important this is a “living” program that you own, with well-defined metrics that continue to show your successes.

Mariner is a leading provider of cybersecurity and risk management services. For information on a customized SATE program for your organization contact our team.

Karen Fegarty, Senior Security Advisor
Let’s Connect



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