Supply Chain Cybersecurity: Are You in Position?

Jul 4, 2022 | Cybersecurity & Risk Management, Technology

Welcome to part one of our three-part series on supply chain cybersecurity. We’ll explore recent developments impacting the delivery of goods and services as well as how to focus your efforts to ensure ongoing cybersecurity within your logistics network. We will also explore the particularly complex Maritime industry.


It’s All About Where You Are Positioned


  • Does your organization provide goods or services to the USA market?
  • Do those goods or services include software that may come into contact with the USA’s defense or homeland security supply chains?

If you answered yes to both questions recent decisions south of the border are slowly making their way to the supply chain system and you need to be ready.


Cyber threats targeting supply chains have grown given the rising competition between companies and even nation states. This has led to the USA taking some significant steps under Executive Order 14028 to secure its cyber supply chain and, for those not willing to play along, to remove those that are seen as not meeting its requirements. Concurrently, the Biden-Harris administration continues to promote its ’buy American‘ posture that would realign logistics networks to ensure USA spending is preferring and benefitting American companies. For example, as Atlantic Canada is experiencing significant economic growth, we are facing a potential perfect storm in one of our key markets.


Mariner - Supply Chain Cybersecurity - Logistics manager talking on mobile phone at desk


Like any difficult times, you can approach these conditions with a degree of concern, or you can embrace the opportunity. We know the USA has directed the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to produce guidance in support of these efforts. We have a better understanding of what is needed, and the timelines they are looking at. For those that position themselves appropriately to deal with this challenge, a significant competitive advantage may be realized.


There is also an opportunity to shift the focus of your cybersecurity program. Instead of being a cost center taxing the bottom line of the organization, make it an enabling function. Have it work across your organization collaboratively to hit these objectives and become part of the effort to open new markets and solidify existing ones. Instead of a constant fight to try to minimize security costs against nebulous losses, turn it into part of the investment that opens new markets and improves your bottom line.


You can look at these waves in two ways—as something that can sink your boat or a great source of energy as you ride the front face and surf.


Check back next week when we’ll look at ways to focus your supply chain cybersecurity efforts.

Mariner Security Solutions Team
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